Заголовок Тип
ISO competency framework for standards development professionals Разработка стандартов
Economic benefits of standards Разработка стандартов
ISO Standardization Foresight Framework - Trend Report 2022 Об ИСО, Разработка стандартов
Gender Responsive Standards Разработка стандартов
Guidance for ISO national standards bodies Разработка стандартов
Getting started toolkit for ISO committee Managers Разработка стандартов
Economic benefits of standards Volume 2 Разработка стандартов
Competition Law Guidelines for Participants in the ISO Standards Development Process Разработка стандартов
Fast forward Об ИСО, Разработка стандартов
Guidance for ISO liaison organizations-Engaging stakeholders Разработка стандартов
Guidance on Twinning in ISO standards development activities Разработка стандартов
Getting started toolkit for committee liaisons Разработка стандартов
Building linkages for export success Разработка стандартов
Model document of an International Standard - Rice model Разработка стандартов
Economic benefits of Standards - ISO Methodology 2.0 Разработка стандартов
Teaching Standards. Good practices for collaboration between National Standards Bodies and universities Разработка стандартов
ISO Code of Ethics and Conduct Об ИСО, Разработка стандартов
Getting started toolkit for ISO working group Convenors Разработка стандартов
International Classification for Standards (ICS) Об ИСО, Разработка стандартов
Good Standardization Practices (GSP) Разработка стандартов
Guidance on new work Разработка стандартов
Model document of an Amendment - Rice model amendment Разработка стандартов
Getting started toolkit for ISO committee Chairs Разработка стандартов
Using and referencing ISO and IEC standards to support public policy Разработка стандартов
Twinning is winning — Partnerships for capacity building Разработка стандартов
ISO policy on communication of committee work - Policy on communication of committee work to external parties and document retention Разработка стандартов
How to best use IEC and ISO standards - A user guide on licensing options and respecting copyright Разработка стандартов
Economic benefits of standards Volume 1 Разработка стандартов
My ISO job - What delegates and experts need to know Разработка стандартов
ISO and IEC International Standards for policy makers Разработка стандартов