How to combat the corrosive impact of corruption

Fighting corruption is key to global development. International Standards can help restore transparency. 

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Ежегодное собрание ИСО пройдет в Брисбене, Австралия, 18-22 сентября 2023 года. ИСО и ее члены объединятся с теми, кто меняет наш мир, чтобы продемонстрировать, как международные стандарты помогают решать важнейшие мировые проблемы. Наша серия гостевых статей, опубликованных в преддверии этого события, даст нашим читателям представление о различных темах, которые будут обсуждаться в течение собрания ИСО.

This is the title
Epsy Campbell Barr
Former Vice-President of Costa Rica; member of the United Nations Permanent Forum on People of African Descent

We are living in challenging times that demand a genuine commitment to transparency and efficiency. Corruption remains one of the major issues affecting our political systems and societies, significantly hindering development, particularly in the poorest and middle-income countries, where vulnerability to this phenomenon is high.

A global problem

Each year, Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index ranks countries on a scale of 0 (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean). In 2022, more than two-thirds of countries scored below 50 and the global average was just 43. Perhaps most worryingly, 155 countries have made no significant progress – or have actually declined – since 2012.

It is vital to recognize corruption as a multi-dimensional problem across governments, companies and organizations. It leads to inefficiencies in managing both public resources and private investments, with wide-ranging impacts.

Undermining trust

The damage caused by corruption goes far beyond financial systems and the management of resources, however. It erodes trust. The legitimacy of the state apparatus is crucial for ensuring peace and coexistence, thereby preventing the rise of totalitarian and populist regimes that exploit citizen unrest and dissatisfaction.

There are also concrete ties between corruption, organized crime and terrorism; a reality which is all too obvious in parts of the world.

By addressing corruption in all its forms, we can safeguard democracies and enhance the overall wellbeing of countries and people everywhere.

Combatting corruption leads to increased confidence and stability.

Transparency is key

Combatting corruption leads to increased confidence and stability. In a clean system, public funds will reach their intended destinations, providing an extraordinary opportunity to modernize the state apparatus and restore political system credibility. Transparency is the key to achieving this.

At the same time, modern societies are swiftly moving towards open data systems that seek greater citizen control and participation. It’s imperative to concentrate our efforts on raising awareness among all stakeholders – public, private and international – and encouraging them to adopt best practices. By improving transparency, we have the power to enhance efficiency, accountability and integrity.

The crucial role of International Standards

International Standards offer a comprehensive framework of best practices and guidelines that can help everyone prevent and mitigate the risks of corruption – from governments and companies, to individuals. These standards therefore represent a significant improvement opportunity for our countries, particularly if accompanied by platforms and opportunities to share best practices and experiences.

By adhering to ISO standards, we can significantly contribute to achieving global goals and addressing challenges, such as those outlined in the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. ISO standards focusing on fighting corruption (ISO 37001), strengthening social responsibility (ISO 26000) and more sustainable procurement (ISO 20400) are essential tools for governments. Using these, public institutions can lead by example, improving their public perception and credibility.

In September 2023, the ISO Annual Meeting will provide exactly such a platform. With discussion addressing governance and best practices in the fight against corruption, it will prioritize a gender-sensitive approach and emphasize environmental sustainability as strategic priorities.

I am honoured to have been invited to speak and to highlight the importance of ISO standards in fighting corruption. Their implementation isn’t just an end goal in itself, but a key part of our collaborative efforts in the shared fight against corruption.


О Радии Фунне (Radia Funna)

Радия Фунна - всемирно признанный теоретик, чья теория xHuman исследует влияние передовых технологий на институты и общественные структуры. Основатель и руководитель консалтинговой компании Build n Blaze, она консультирует организации государственного и частного секторов по вопросам стратегии, технологий и инноваций. Также, она является членом фокус-группы Международного Союза Электросвязи по метавселенной.

Радия Фунна выступит на предстоящем ежегодном собрании ИСО. Присоединяйтесь к онлайн-сессии "За пределами метавселенной: Будущее виртуальных миров", чтобы узнать, как развивается данная новая технология. Зарегистрироваться можно здесь.



О ежегодном собрании ИСО

Ежегодное собрание ИСО - это главное событие в мире для международного сообщества по стандартизации. На него съезжаются 168 национальных органов по стандартизации со всего мира, а также внушительный круг представителей правительств, промышленности и гражданского общества. Данный форум высокого уровня предоставляет уникальную возможность для своевременного обсуждения новых тенденций и проблем, связанных с международными стандартами и их ролью в реализации глобальной повестки дня в области устойчивого развития.

Join Epsy at the ISO Annual Meeting

Check out our online session “Building back trust: All together against corruption”. 

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