2275 Research Blvd, Ste 300
Rockville 20850-3250 MD
United States

Tel: +1 301 924 70 77
Fax: +1 301 924 70 89
E-mail: aoac@aoac.com
Website: www.aoac.org

  • Total number of liaisons: 19
  • A liaisons: 19
  • B liaisons: 0
  • C liaisons: 0
Reference Title Category
ISO/TC 34 Food products A
ISO/TC 34/SC 2 Oleaginous seeds and fruits and oilseed meals A
ISO/TC 34/SC 3 Fruits and vegetables and their derived products A
ISO/TC 34/SC 4 Cereals and pulses A
ISO/TC 34/SC 5 Milk and milk products A
ISO/TC 34/SC 6 Meat, poultry, fish, eggs and their products A
ISO/TC 34/SC 7 Spices, culinary herbs and condiments A
ISO/TC 34/SC 8 Tea A
ISO/TC 34/SC 9 Microbiology A
ISO/TC 34/SC 10 Animal feeding stuffs A
ISO/TC 34/SC 11 Animal and vegetable fats and oils A
ISO/TC 34/SC 12 Sensory analysis A
ISO/TC 34/SC 15 Coffee A
ISO/TC 34/SC 16 Horizontal methods for molecular biomarker analysis A
ISO/TC 69 Applications of statistical methods A
ISO/TC 93 Starch (including derivatives and by-products) A
ISO/TC 134 Fertilizers, soil conditioners and beneficial substances A
ISO/TC 276 Biotechnology A
ISO/TC 334 Reference materials A

Liaisons A: Organizations that make an effective contribution to the work of the technical committee or subcommittee for questions dealt with by this technical committee or subcommittee. 
Liaisons B: Organizations that have indicated a wish to be kept informed of the work of the technical committee or subcommittee. 
Liaisons C: Organizations that make a technical contribution to and participate actively in the work of a working group.