
  • Секретарь:
    Ms Cristina Draghici
  • Председатель:
    Reinaldo Figueiredo
    Заместитель председателя:
    Ms Caroline Outa
  • Менеджер ИСО по техническим программам [TPM]:
    Ms Cristina Draghici
    Менеджер ИСО по редакционным [EM]:
    Mr Brian Stanton
  • Дата создания : 1970

Область деятельности


CASCO membership is open to interested member bodies as participating (P) or observer (O) members and to interested correspondent members as observer (O) members.

Terms of reference

  • To study means of assessing the conformity of products, processes, services and management systems to appropriate standards or other technical specifications.
  • To prepare international guides and International Standards relating to the practice of testing, inspection and certification of products, processes and services, and to the assessment of management systems, testing laboratories, inspection bodies, certification bodies, accreditation bodies and their operation and acceptance.
  • To promote mutual recognition and acceptance of national and regional conformity assessment systems, and the appropriate use of International Standards for testing, inspection, certification, assessment and related purposes.

More information about CASCO and related ISO activities

Close-up of a female scientist experimenting in a laboratory.
ISO committee for conformity assessment (CASCO)
CASCO is the ISO committee that works on issues relating to conformity assessment.

Быстрый поиск


Опубликованных стандартов *


Стандартов ИСО, находящихся *

Полноправных членов

* число включает обновленную информацию

Ссылки Заголовок Тип
ISO/CASCO/AHG   Monitoring global developments relevant to conformity assessment Рабочая группа
ISO/CASCO/CPC   Chair's Policy and Coordination Group Рабочая группа
ISO/CASCO/IAF/ILAC JSG   IAF-ILAC-ISO Joint Strategic Group Рабочая группа
ISO/CASCO/INetQI Hosted ISO/CASCO INetQI group Рабочая группа
ISO/CASCO/JWG 58   Joint ISO/CASCO - ISO/TC232 WG: ISO 21030 Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of educational organizations management systems Рабочая группа
ISO/CASCO/JWG 62   Joint ISO/CASCO - ISO/TC 85 WG: ISO/TS 23406 (ITNS) Рабочая группа
ISO/CASCO/JWG 63   Joint ISO/CASCO - ISO/TC 304 WG: Development of ISO/IEC 17021-15 Рабочая группа
ISO/CASCO/STAR   Strategic Alliance and Regulatory group Рабочая группа
ISO/CASCO/STTF   Spanish translation task force Рабочая группа
ISO/CASCO/TIG   Technical Interface Group Рабочая группа
ISO/CASCO/WG 30   Conformity assessment - General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons Рабочая группа
ISO/CASCO/WG 31   Conformity assessment - Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection Рабочая группа
ISO/CASCO/WG 61   ISO TS 17012 Guidelines remote methods in audits management systems Рабочая группа
ISO/CASCO/WG 64   Revision of ISO/IEC 17007 - Conformity assessment - Guidance for drafting normative documents suitable for use for conformity assessment. Рабочая группа
ISO/CASCO/WG 65   Revision of ISO/IEC 17067 - Conformity assessment - Fundamentals of product certification and guidelines for product certification schemes. Рабочая группа


Совместные рабочие группы, находящиеся в компетенции другого комитета
Ссылки Заголовок
ISO/TC 207/SC 2/JWG 1 Joint ISO/TC 207/SC 2-ISO/CASCO WG: Validation and verification of sustainability information
ISO/TC 207/SC 7/JWG 6 Joint TC 207/SC 7 - CASCO WG: Verification and validation of environmental information
Комитет по рабочим связям с ISO/CASCO

Комитет, указанный ниже, имеет доступ к следующим документам ISO/CASCO:

Ссылка Заголовок ИСО/МЭК
ISO/COPOLCO Committee on consumer policy ISO
ISO/DEVCO Committee on developing country matters ISO
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7 Software and systems engineering ISO/IEC
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection ISO/IEC
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42 Artificial intelligence ISO/IEC
ISO/TC 20/SC 13 Space data and information transfer systems ISO
ISO/TC 34 Food products ISO
ISO/TC 34/SC 17 Management systems for food safety ISO
ISO/TC 46/SC 11 Archives/records management ISO
ISO/TC 69 Applications of statistical methods ISO
ISO/TC 85 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection ISO
ISO/TC 108/SC 5 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machine systems ISO
ISO/TC 135 Non-destructive testing ISO
ISO/TC 135/SC 7 Personnel qualification ISO
ISO/TC 146/SC 4 General aspects ISO
ISO/TC 176 Quality management and quality assurance ISO
ISO/TC 176/SC 1 Concepts and terminology ISO
ISO/TC 176/SC 2 Quality systems ISO
ISO/TC 176/SC 3 Supporting technologies ISO
ISO/TC 207 Environmental management ISO
ISO/TC 207/SC 1 Environmental management systems ISO
ISO/TC 207/SC 2 Environmental auditing and related environmental investigations ISO
ISO/TC 207/SC 3 Environmental labelling ISO
ISO/TC 207/SC 7 Greenhouse gas and climate change management and related activities ISO
ISO/TC 210 Quality management and corresponding general aspects for products with a health purpose including medical devices ISO
ISO/TC 212 Clinical laboratory testing and in vitro diagnostic test systems ISO
ISO/TC 215 Health informatics ISO
ISO/TC 241 Road traffic safety management systems ISO
ISO/PC 250 Sustainability in event management ISO
ISO/TC 251 Asset management ISO
ISO/TC 267 Facility management ISO
ISO/TC 268 Sustainable cities and communities ISO
ISO/TC 269 Railway applications ISO
ISO/TC 272 Forensic sciences ISO
ISO/TC 276 Biotechnology ISO
ISO/TC 283 Occupational health and safety management ISO
ISO/TC 292 Security and resilience ISO
ISO/TC 301 Energy management and energy savings ISO
ISO/TC 304 Healthcare organization management ISO
ISO/TC 309 Governance of organizations ISO
ISO/TC 334 Reference materials ISO


Комитеты по рабочим связям ISO/CASCO

ISO/CASCO можно получить доступ к документам комитетов ниже

Ссылка Заголовок ИСО/МЭК
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7 Software and systems engineering ISO/IEC
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection ISO/IEC
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42 Artificial intelligence ISO/IEC
ISO/TC 34/SC 17 Management systems for food safety ISO
ISO/TC 44/SC 11 Qualification requirements for welding and allied processes personnel ISO
ISO/TC 67 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy ISO
ISO/TC 85 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection ISO
ISO/TC 176 Quality management and quality assurance ISO
ISO/TC 176/SC 1 Concepts and terminology ISO
ISO/TC 176/SC 2 Quality systems ISO
ISO/TC 176/SC 3 Supporting technologies ISO
ISO/TC 207 Environmental management ISO
ISO/TC 207/SC 1 Environmental management systems ISO
ISO/TC 207/SC 2 Environmental auditing and related environmental investigations ISO
ISO/TC 207/SC 3 Environmental labelling ISO
ISO/TC 207/SC 4 Environmental performance evaluation ISO
ISO/TC 207/SC 5 Life cycle assessment ISO
ISO/TC 207/SC 7 Greenhouse gas and climate change management and related activities ISO
ISO/TC 212 Clinical laboratory testing and in vitro diagnostic test systems ISO
ISO/TC 268 Sustainable cities and communities ISO
ISO/TC 276 Biotechnology ISO
ISO/TC 279 Innovation management ISO
ISO/TC 292 Security and resilience ISO
ISO/TC 301 Energy management and energy savings ISO
ISO/TC 309 Governance of organizations ISO
ISO/TC 323 Circular economy ISO
ISO/TC 334 Reference materials ISO


Рабочие связи (Категории А и B)
Акроним Заголовок Тип рабочей связи
BIPM International Bureau of Weights and Measures A
CAC Codex Alimentarius Commission A
EFAC European Federation of Associations of Certification bodies A
EOQ European Organization for Quality A
GFSI Global Food Safety Initiative A
IAF International Accreditation Forum, Inc. A
IFAN International Federation of Standards Users A
IIOC Independant International Organization for Certification A
ILAC International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation A
INLAC Latinoamerican Institute for Quality Assurance A
IPC International Personnel Certification Association (IPC) A
IQNet IQNet Association - The International Certification Network A
ITU International Telecommunication Union A
NCSLI NCSL International A
OIE World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) A
OIML International Organization of Legal Metrology A
TIA Telecommunications Industry Association A
TIC Council TIC Council A
UILI Union Internationale des Laboratoires Indépendants (UILI) A
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change A
WADA World Anti-Doping Agency A

Рабочие связи (Категории С)

Рабочие связи категорий C, присутствующих в Рабочей группе

Акроним Заголовок Тип рабочей связи
NQSA Nuclear Quality Standard Association C
VET21001 VET21001 Consortium C