Membership: Member body
Established by decree n° 78 228 of 14 March 1978, the Institut sénégalais de Normalisation which became the Association sénégalaise de Normalisation (ASN) on 19 July 2002 operates under the Ministry of Industry and crafts.

The tasks of ASN are:
- to perform activities involving the development of national standards, information, awareness-building and training to provide economic players in Senegal, in particular industry leaders, distributors, consumers and civil servants the requisite knowledge of quality tools, methods and procedures for implementation in service firms and production companies, with a view to developing a quality policy covering goods, services and the living environment
- to ensure the promotion of quality in support of the efforts made by economic players in this area for the benefit of customers in the domestic and international markets, by introducing a communication system based on proper organization of available documentation and information and the creation of databases and various promotional materials.

Association Sénégalaise de Normalisation

Avenue Jean Jaurès,
Immeuble El Hadj Omar DIA 6ème étage,
Dakar BP:4037

Tel: +221 33 829 58 25
Fax: +221 33 827 64 12

TC Participation

Twinned Secretariat
Participating Member
Observing Member

PDC Participation

Participating Member
Observing Member