Членство: Орган, являющийся членом

The Ecuadorian Service for Standardization - INEN, formerly known as the Ecuadorian Institute for Standardization was established on August 28, 1970. INEN is the National Standards Body of the Republic of Ecuador and also is in charge of technical regulation and metrology. In 2007, the Ecuadorian Quality System law granted INEN the status of national technical arm under the Ministry of Industry and Productivity.

In close collaboration with governmental entities, industry, consumers and academia, INEN is responsible for the development, publication and promotion of Ecuadorian standards and other standardization deliverables. INEN promotes standardization in Ecuador in order to contribute to the national economy, support sustainable development, promote the health, safety and welfare of workers and the public, protect consumers, and facilitate domestic and international trade.

The mission of the INEN is to continuously improve the quality of national production system and the competitiveness, confidence and satisfaction of the Ecuadorian society, through standardization, technical regulation, conformity assessment and metrology process, adding value with human talent and fulfilling legal and regulatory requirements.

INEN is also a member of the Pan American Standards Commission (COPANT) and Pacific Area Standards Congress (PASC). INEN is part of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Affiliate Country Programme.


Servicio Ecuatoriano de Normalización

E8-29 Calles Baquerizo Moreno y Diego de Almagro
Edificio: INEN P.O. Box 17-01-3999
Quito, DM EC170517 Pichincha

Тел.: +(593 2) 382 5960 / +(593 2) 382 5961
E-mail: internacionalinen@gmail.com

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